The Dawn

My friends (AJJAEH) and I watched the movie Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2. I was inspired by Edward Cullen's outfit. I asked my friend, "What do Edward usually wear in the movie?" she replied, "He always wear black/gray.... and that's it!" so I rushed through my closet and try to find something to wear. It was so difficult for me to find a substitute outfit like Edward's because I don't usually wear dark-colored clothes like Black. I really thought that this casual outfit will not suit me, but yes, it actually turned great. Here are some pictures to show you:

 What I’m wearing: Fedora Hat (ROPA) , Black Blazer (MINT). Jeans (Levi's) , Leather shoes (PRINCE)

Black Blazer from MINT

   Jeans from Levi's

Before we go to the mall, we waited for the others to come, so we can go to the mall together. We got bored while waiting, and yes, the picture shows the result of being bored. Mmm, I ain't tryin' to be cool, I'm just being me... SIMPLY ME :)

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